Monday, September 16, 2013

Real or Imitation?

Where are you looking for your strength? 
True strength and ability can only come from one place, every other source is an imitation.

It is God who gives strength to the weary, and it is God who increases fortitude and strength in those who are failing. (Isaiah 40:29 CPDV)

Is your strength real or imitation? 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Eyes

What is it around you that you need to see with new eyes?  

If there are things not sitting right with  you about your life or circumstances maybe you need to look at them from a different perspective.   Sometimes looking at things from a different  point of view will help you  to determine what steps you need to take to make them different OR it could just give you a fresh perspective! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Two Roads

In life and in almost any situation you may encounter there are two roads to choose from.   The easy road with the hard path at the end or you can choose the hard road with the easy path at the end.   

What I mean by this is you take the easy path by doing nothing or very little and being passive but on down the road,  it's harder with not much pleasure, because you didn't put in the work,  the discipline or training in the beginning.  

If you take the hard path, do what ever it takes, go the extra mile, which then leads to easy means,  you use discipline now,  set boundaries and goals for yourself,  you put in some training and once that foundation is set then you're on  to the easy.   Because the boundaries are already in place it will be easier for you to "stay" on that road.    

Most choose the easy path "living in the moment" or "taking it one day at a time",  or "just trying to make ends meet",  not thinking of what is to come on down the road.    

What about you?  Which path are you on?  Which road do you choose to take daily? 
Are you hoping, wishing, dreaming of things being better or different in your life?  If so what are you doing to ensure that they will be?  

I have news for you.....No one can do this for you.  If you desire to see change in your life only YOU can make this happen for you.  
I want to encourage you.  There are brighter days and smoother paths ahead IF you choose them.  
                  Don't play the victim ~ BE the VICTOR!

There are two roads to choose from-- which one are you going to be on today?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Standing Under

Proverbs 1:2

To know wisdom and instruction,
To perceive the words of understanding

Perceive is to become aware of, to know, to identify by means of a sense 
recognize, discern, envision, understand

My prayer for us today is this:

That we may know as fact & truth the  wisdom that is from God & His instruction, that we may identify and recognize the words that we are to stand under.  
Not just to merely understand what His word says but to become aware of and to know, to sense what we are to STAND UNDER, just as you would stand under an umbrella to shelter you from rain, STAND UNDER the words God has spoken over our life and live out His call, His purpose, what He has destined for us with NO hinderances, shielding us from anything the enemy might try to rain down.

Thank you Father that you clearly show us the words we are to understand and to stand under in our lives, that we would seek them out and you would so clearly reveal them to us.  
Health - Healing - Prosperity - Hope - Future - Abundant Life - Chosen 

I thank you for life today.  I pray a hedge of protection around all of our loved ones and family, in Jesus name, AMEN!