Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quiet your mind

Somewhere deep within us, we all know what our truths are. We spend a lot of time and energy denying them, and sometimes we numb ourselves with an addiction to deny them.
But our truths are never completely silenced. We need to stop using up all our energy trying to silence them, and instead, sit quietly and listen.

Are you afraid of what you will hear in that stillness?

All of us have an innate wisdom--somehow, somewhere, we know what is really going on with us and we know what to do about it.
In some part of you, you already know the answers. I am discovering that even if I don't find the answers right away, they will show up when they are ready to un-fold. I can't push the answers, but rather allow them to flow effortlessly without pushing them too soon.

When you sit in stillness, you let your breath carry your inner wisdom up from the depths and into your consciousness. You hear that quiet whisper. And when you do, I promise, you will be surprised to find that you're relieved to finally hear what it has to say.

Read more:

I thought this was good for any situation. When we truly face whats burning deep inside us we will emerge with our true self! the one we were created to be.

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