I know many of you have heard the phrase "climbing the corporate ladder" When you hear this term you automatically think getting a higher position in a company, long hours, bowing down to a boss, reaching for the top executive position.....right. (ok well maybe something close to that)
Well that's good and fine to want success and to be the top performer, the best at what you do,everyone has somewhere deep with in themselves a longing for success, maybe not in the corporate world but success none the less. And along with this idea for success there comes MANY ideas from people on how to achieve this success and "climb the ladder" to where they wan to be.
BUT if we look at success from Gods perspective, His number requirement is not how many hours we put in or how much study we have done, what letters we have behind our name on a business card, no, it's not that at all.
Gods first qualification for promotion is a trait called honesty!
Having an honest character will cause you to be promoted, first by God then by man. I know it is not what most people want, most people want recognition for what they have done, their incredible ideas being used, how many hours they have worked, a "pat on the back" if you will. Although those things are not bad to desire, everyone needs a little "atta boy" now and then but it should not be required in order for you to do your job or do what ever it takes to get to where you want to be with honesty.
Having an honest character is first and foremost, above any human promotion or recognition, for when God promotes you because of your Character and Integrity you WILL find lasting success in life.
Acts 6:3
Therefore select out from among yourselves, brethren, seven men of good and attested character and repute, full of the [Holy] Spirit and wisdom, whom we may assign to look after this business and duty.
Blessings Dear Friends!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Debt & the Bible
We often think of Debt as a bad thing, and usually it is not too wise to so the , "buy now pay later" thing.
Not such a good idea because we are basing the purchase on our future income, which is most of the time uncertain. As I was reading today I came across this scripture, one maybe you have read or heard before, its found in Romans it talks about our debt to man.
Romans 13: 8 Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love him....
Now when we owe a debt or borrow $money$ from a person, every time we see them WE know and THEY know, WE owe them money. Whether it is spoken of or not WE know we borrowed and we owe, we need to repay.
So we work and sacrifice other things to be able to pay that person back until the debt is paid back in full...right? If we get mad at the person do we still owe them the money we borrowed? YES we do. If the person is rich and doesn't need the measly little pittens we borrowed do we still owe them money? YES we do. Its not a matter of OUR feelings its a fact, we owe.
Well the same should be true with this scripture. If we are to OWE man (others) love than we need to work at it to get it paid. I'm not stating you need to do everything for everybody and become a doormat, definitely not but pay what is due each person. Just as if you knew you "owed" them money, keep in your mind and in your heart the you OWE them Love. Not because they deserve it, not because they showed it to you first but because We are Christians, we have Christ on the inside of us, and that is the 1 Law or command we are to do...that's it. L-O-V-E!
What this means to me: I need to show love to the unlovely,( not fun but I am commanded to do this by the Lord and if I call him Lord I must obey what he says) No matter what me feelings are for this particular day, I am to give/show love as if I were indebted to each person. Not because of how they behave or what they do or don't do...just LOVE.
Now I believe that I am a loving persons already but if I look to the Bible for the true definition of love I feel totally inadequate, like a failure....here's Gods definition of love;
4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. 1Corinthians 13:4-8
Gosh I can't even make it past the first sentence without failing. BUT here's the good news, we CAN love with Gods love, the love we read about here, because He lives on the inside of us! That is great news for me! And it should be for you too.
So friends Lets look to God today to help us pay our debt of LOVE to those around us. Let us sacrifice our (not so nice) words and our feelings toward a person to show them love. I think we might be surprised at the reaction we get from some, when we thought they had a Stinky attitude or wrong motives and WE show them LOVE (when we don't feel like it or they don't feel they deserve it), Gods love in us their whole attitude and demeanor can change in one instant.
I think that deep down everyone has a need for this LOVE, otherwise why would this be our only command from the Lord?
Be Blessed Friends!
Not such a good idea because we are basing the purchase on our future income, which is most of the time uncertain. As I was reading today I came across this scripture, one maybe you have read or heard before, its found in Romans it talks about our debt to man.
Romans 13: 8 Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love him....
Now when we owe a debt or borrow $money$ from a person, every time we see them WE know and THEY know, WE owe them money. Whether it is spoken of or not WE know we borrowed and we owe, we need to repay.
So we work and sacrifice other things to be able to pay that person back until the debt is paid back in full...right? If we get mad at the person do we still owe them the money we borrowed? YES we do. If the person is rich and doesn't need the measly little pittens we borrowed do we still owe them money? YES we do. Its not a matter of OUR feelings its a fact, we owe.
Well the same should be true with this scripture. If we are to OWE man (others) love than we need to work at it to get it paid. I'm not stating you need to do everything for everybody and become a doormat, definitely not but pay what is due each person. Just as if you knew you "owed" them money, keep in your mind and in your heart the you OWE them Love. Not because they deserve it, not because they showed it to you first but because We are Christians, we have Christ on the inside of us, and that is the 1 Law or command we are to do...that's it. L-O-V-E!
What this means to me: I need to show love to the unlovely,( not fun but I am commanded to do this by the Lord and if I call him Lord I must obey what he says) No matter what me feelings are for this particular day, I am to give/show love as if I were indebted to each person. Not because of how they behave or what they do or don't do...just LOVE.
Now I believe that I am a loving persons already but if I look to the Bible for the true definition of love I feel totally inadequate, like a failure....here's Gods definition of love;
4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. 1Corinthians 13:4-8
Gosh I can't even make it past the first sentence without failing. BUT here's the good news, we CAN love with Gods love, the love we read about here, because He lives on the inside of us! That is great news for me! And it should be for you too.
So friends Lets look to God today to help us pay our debt of LOVE to those around us. Let us sacrifice our (not so nice) words and our feelings toward a person to show them love. I think we might be surprised at the reaction we get from some, when we thought they had a Stinky attitude or wrong motives and WE show them LOVE (when we don't feel like it or they don't feel they deserve it), Gods love in us their whole attitude and demeanor can change in one instant.
I think that deep down everyone has a need for this LOVE, otherwise why would this be our only command from the Lord?
Be Blessed Friends!
Friday, November 12, 2010
What do you see When you look at others?
What do you see When you look at others?
In John 1:14 it talks about the Glory of the Lord,
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth NKJV
As I reflect on the word Glory and beholding His Glory and I read through the Word of God, I recognize that the Lord of Glory indwells every born again believer, He is the same in us all. I am not to judge or place expectations on believers as to what they should do or not do, or distinguish where they are spiritually, that is NOT my place. I am to relate to the Jesus in them; in that we are the same. We are to look at the Glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not the outward man “who is perishing day by day”
Because it is God who judges each one impartially, not YOU or ME.
I encourage you today dear friends to see Jesus in your fellow believers today, do not regard anyone after his/her flesh. For it is God who has placed His Son on the inside of each believer and that is what we must focus on every day. For some it may be moment by moment reminding yourself that Jesus is in there somewhere, but keep that in focus throughout your day, for yourself and for those whom Jesus indewlls around you.
Blessings to you!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Show Your Fruit
The fruit of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men--he gathers and receives them for eternity]. Proverbs 11:30 (Amplified Bible)
What are you capturing today? Your thoughts, your shopping, your family, "time for yourself", work, errands? We all have lives, we all have "stuff" to do and places to be,we can't change it, just work it in.
IF we are WISE we will be conscious of capturing Human Lives for God. THIS is what matters in Eternity! Who are you going to see in Heaven that you helped get there?
I encourage you today Dear friends Show your Fruit, Let others see Jesus in you!
What are you capturing today? Your thoughts, your shopping, your family, "time for yourself", work, errands? We all have lives, we all have "stuff" to do and places to be,we can't change it, just work it in.
IF we are WISE we will be conscious of capturing Human Lives for God. THIS is what matters in Eternity! Who are you going to see in Heaven that you helped get there?
I encourage you today Dear friends Show your Fruit, Let others see Jesus in you!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Miracle in the Midnight Hour
When God becomes a part of our situation, no matter how bad it is, that situation can start to change.......
Read the whole article it is SO worth it! VERY ENCOURAGING!
Richard Roberts :: Oral Roberts Ministries » Blog Archive » A Miracle in the Midnight Hour
Read the whole article it is SO worth it! VERY ENCOURAGING!
Richard Roberts :: Oral Roberts Ministries » Blog Archive » A Miracle in the Midnight Hour
As I was reading my bible this morning I got caught up on James 1:25..."The Perfect Law of Liberty" What a contradictory of words. I began to think on it and read it over and over; I read the verses before and the verses after.... Here is what the Lord gave me
James 1:25 My Version
He who looks to Jesus, the perfect law of liberty, and continues steadfastly to do so moment by moment, throughout the day and does not forget what he hears from the Lord but puts into practice and exercises what he has learned & heard, this one, faithful and conscious chooser, will be blessed in all that he does!
CHOOSER.....that’s YOU, that’s ME. What are we going to Choose to look to today? The Lord and His Perfect Law of Liberty or our situations in life, be it financial, housing, kids, job, your mate or lack of, family problems, depression, illness...what situation are we going to CHOOSE to look to Moment by Moment throughout our day today.
As for me.....Today I am going to make a conscience effort to CHOOSE JESUS!
I am praying for you my dear readers and fellow believers To CHOOSE JESUS TOO!
James 1:25 My Version
He who looks to Jesus, the perfect law of liberty, and continues steadfastly to do so moment by moment, throughout the day and does not forget what he hears from the Lord but puts into practice and exercises what he has learned & heard, this one, faithful and conscious chooser, will be blessed in all that he does!
CHOOSER.....that’s YOU, that’s ME. What are we going to Choose to look to today? The Lord and His Perfect Law of Liberty or our situations in life, be it financial, housing, kids, job, your mate or lack of, family problems, depression, illness...what situation are we going to CHOOSE to look to Moment by Moment throughout our day today.
As for me.....Today I am going to make a conscience effort to CHOOSE JESUS!
I am praying for you my dear readers and fellow believers To CHOOSE JESUS TOO!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Blessed at Lunch
Today I was at lunch and as usual we prayed to bless and sanctify our food and went about our normal eating and talking routine. A few minutes later 2 gentle men sat down across the aisle from us and both men bowed their heads and prayed for their meals before starting to eat. I took notice and smiled both on the inside and on the outside as I usually don't see many "prayers" out in public.
About the time we were done eating and cleaning up our spot, I turned sideways to talk to my lunch date and noticed out of the corner of my eye the guy who had just sat down behind us took his hat off and was praying over his food!
I was a bit take back by the fact the not only do I NOT see Christians praying over their food or praying period, in public places but today with in a 15 minute period there were 3 tables of Christians who had publically bowed their heads and blessed their food with out shame.
I was so excited & Blessed by this, my date and I talked about it for quite some time.
WE "Believers" need to not be ashamed in public or private to talk to our Heavenly Father and thank Him for our food or what ever, IN PUBLIC PLACES!
We are truly blessed to live in free country to be able to do that, for that I am grateful.
I was so blessed to know the WE believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are everywhere!
My encouragement for you today is to not be ashamed or embarrassed to pray in the presence of others, you don’t have to make a big deal out of it or a "show" but it will bless and encourage others like it did for me today!
About the time we were done eating and cleaning up our spot, I turned sideways to talk to my lunch date and noticed out of the corner of my eye the guy who had just sat down behind us took his hat off and was praying over his food!
I was a bit take back by the fact the not only do I NOT see Christians praying over their food or praying period, in public places but today with in a 15 minute period there were 3 tables of Christians who had publically bowed their heads and blessed their food with out shame.
I was so excited & Blessed by this, my date and I talked about it for quite some time.
WE "Believers" need to not be ashamed in public or private to talk to our Heavenly Father and thank Him for our food or what ever, IN PUBLIC PLACES!
We are truly blessed to live in free country to be able to do that, for that I am grateful.
I was so blessed to know the WE believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are everywhere!
My encouragement for you today is to not be ashamed or embarrassed to pray in the presence of others, you don’t have to make a big deal out of it or a "show" but it will bless and encourage others like it did for me today!
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