I know many of you have heard the phrase "climbing the corporate ladder" When you hear this term you automatically think getting a higher position in a company, long hours, bowing down to a boss, reaching for the top executive position.....right. (ok well maybe something close to that)
Well that's good and fine to want success and to be the top performer, the best at what you do,everyone has somewhere deep with in themselves a longing for success, maybe not in the corporate world but success none the less. And along with this idea for success there comes MANY ideas from people on how to achieve this success and "climb the ladder" to where they wan to be.
BUT if we look at success from Gods perspective, His number requirement is not how many hours we put in or how much study we have done, what letters we have behind our name on a business card, no, it's not that at all.
Gods first qualification for promotion is a trait called honesty!
Having an honest character will cause you to be promoted, first by God then by man. I know it is not what most people want, most people want recognition for what they have done, their incredible ideas being used, how many hours they have worked, a "pat on the back" if you will. Although those things are not bad to desire, everyone needs a little "atta boy" now and then but it should not be required in order for you to do your job or do what ever it takes to get to where you want to be with honesty.
Having an honest character is first and foremost, above any human promotion or recognition, for when God promotes you because of your Character and Integrity you WILL find lasting success in life.
Acts 6:3
Therefore select out from among yourselves, brethren, seven men of good and attested character and repute, full of the [Holy] Spirit and wisdom, whom we may assign to look after this business and duty.
Blessings Dear Friends!
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