Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Do You Spend Your Time With?

                     Its not what you know its who you know! 

We are said to live in the information age..right?  Well it's true, our minds are overloaded with TONS of information on a daily basis. Sunday a.m. through Saturday and 11:59 p.m, we are bogged down with the good & inspirational, the bad  and the ugliness of this planet we call home.
    I mean how can we accurately remember every little instruction on "how to", the sermon we heard on Sunday, or the name of a new business partner, a family members birthday, stop at the grocery store for french bread on the way home, send an email off that you promised days ago to someone, the fantastic idea for a new gadget to make peoples lives easier,  finish up on a project that's over due and not to mention the homework of the kids, give them lots of love and attention and oh yes, get 8 hours of sleep every night, do unto others as you would have done to you, set goals, plan for the future, be kind and courteous to others around you, pay your bills, And that's just part of our day. 

Well here's the good news. We were not put here alone to just "deal" with life and try to remember all our stuff.  We have a faithful Father just waiting to talk with us and help us. 

   When we spend time with our Father, the Lord on a daily basis the things that are "known" but often forgotten an locked away in  storage some place if not used often and refreshed, the Holy Spirit will refresh those things in our life and "bring to our remembrance all things....
 Because truly its not how much you know or how educated you are or where you've been, a good list maker or the most courteous person on the planet; The knowledge gained in the past will NOT help you now unless its applied to the present. 

When we spend regular time with our Father in heaven and get the refreshing we need, we open our selves up to divine understanding and the ability to use whats in us.  When circumstances arise throughout our days we have the knowledge and the information that is  needed, that is necessary for that time.  God will enable you to remember the important things and even the little things. 

Those emails, birthdays and thoughtful ways are all important to Him and He knows they are  important to those around you as well, that's why He will remind you of your 100's of thing swirling around in you brain. 

Maybe you don't have such a busy life but you have a hard time "getting with it".   God is in that.  He wants you to do and be all that He has created you to for.  With our daily time in His presence reading His word, He will reveal what it is we are to do and how we are to be. He will help up remember & prioritize.   

See friends I think that most Christians don't need as much NEW knowledge as they need the APPLICATION of the knowledge that's already in them.  Throughout our week we get little nuggets if you will, of information and if we just apply those we would be a whole lot better off! Not off in overwhelmed land not knowing where to even begin. 

It's about who you know, and who you spend your time with that will help you.   Are they bringing you UP or tearing your DOWN? 

 God our Father who wants nothing more than to build us UP, has placed inside each one of us His Spirit to help stir up what He has place in us, but in order to get the stirring we need to take some time with Him...

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