Saturday, January 21, 2012

The People in our Lives

Those around are placed there from God.  Are you using/ listening to what they are saying? 

God places us in a job, in a family, around certain peopel for a reason, we are to gleen from those around us and always be listening. 

Is what they are saying confirmation to you, or in regards to a situation you are in or going through.  You dont have to shout it from the roof tops if you hear something some one says and it "speaks" to you on the inside.  But be aware.  this is how we get answers.

Its much like a mega puzzle; there are thousands of pieces and they fit somewhere but sometimes we are not sure where until one day after much time has been put in we see the full picture of the puzzle.
that is how our life is.  The Lord graciously and patiently waits for us to pick up the pieces and lay them where they are to go and fills in all the beautiful scenery until one day we "see" the amazing picture.

Don't take for granted the ones God has placed in your life.  It truly is for a much larger more detailed picture than we could ever know.

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