Monday, April 16, 2012


The happenings in our lives  are all relative to where we are at in our walk, what we’ve experienced, had and done in our lives.   
To one the smallest act of kindness  could be the most amazing thing that has happened to them, and to another it may seem a bit insignificant  even trivial but to that person it meant the world.
One may look and mock while others cheer on with even the slightest movement in a new direction.  
What is this all about? 
Those who applaud have an awareness of each ones path and that they are not in control of it, Truly being happy to see others gain ground and bring fulfillment into their lives.  While the mockers sit back with a condemning eye, judging where it is not their place.  Jealous of newness for others, envious of change that has not happened to them, looking at the glass half empty if you will, and always finding fault with others.  
Why is this?  
If you are one of those kind of people, a mocker, Mr. or Ms. Negativity, ask yourself why.  Why are you so negative and pessimistic?
Are you jealous, envious that those things don’t happen to you?  Are you living in self pity? Maybe having once had and now are living in the hurt and pain of your experiences in life.  
Is there self doubt? That you don’t deserve to live happily?
Fear of the what ifs.  
We all must come to a point where we can truly be happy for others.  Have a desire to see them succeed, move forward, become the one who spurs them on.  
When we get out of OUR SELF and realize it’s not all about us, we become cheerleaders in life, for ourselves and those around us.  

No one wants to be around a negative attitude person who is always looking for the bad or indifferent in any situation.  Even YOU don’t want to be around that, even if it is YOU that is the negative one.  
We must understand that we are all gifted and unique, we all have a purpose.  My purpose is different from yours None of us are the same.    I can help you grow and be happy by being your cheerleader and spurring you on and I want you to be the same for me.  But we must get over what ever selfish reason we have for our negativity or we can get stuck in a life draining cycle of fear, pity and self doubt and that does not help anyone.  
Today lets commit to letting go of our pessimistic, negative attitudes and focus on the good.  Lets be happy for those we love, spurring them on toward what it is that they are called to do.  As we do this it will be returned in our lives.  Make the change today!
       Encourage one another in Love and in Brotherly Kindness

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