Each of us has a decision to make a decision.
Every day we are faced with the fact that we must choose whom we will serve. Will we serve self and what we want to do say and be, or will we submit to Gods plan for our lives?
There are many, many people walking around today with a victims mentality, OH poor me, this person did me wrong, I got dealt a bad “hand” in life, if only I could have this or that, then…. Sound familiar? It could be you or someone you know.
Well, here is the truth, everyone has had their own set of circumstances they have had to “deal” with in life. They may look different on the outside but on the inside it is the same battle; what kind of decision did they make to “deal” with their circumstances. We cannot blame others for where we are, sure there may have been some pretty rough patches but ultimately what kind of choices are you making to shape your life. Are you choosing to be bitter and live with the bad choices someone else has made, are you living off of someone else’s good choices taking a free ride?
Hebrews 4:13 says And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
We must all give an account for our time here on earth. Whether you know Gods plan for your life or not, it is not based on social economical status, geography, color, weight, male or female, God’s plan for each person is individual and WE have a choice to make.
The apostle Paul for example, he was a highly educated, wealthy ,raised in a strict Jewish home, and major persecutor of the Christians of his time. A martyr, witnessing the execution of Christians. His life was the law, the temple and the traditions of his people, anything against that deserved to be challenged. One day when he was about 30 years old he was on his way to another city when God knocked him off his ride, appeared as a bright light, and as Paul describes it in Galatians 1:16 “was pleased to reveal His Son to me, in order that I might preach Him among the Gentiles”.
Paul had a decision to make at that point , God himself talked to him and showed him Jesus , now,was he going to believe what had really happened to him and serve God , walk into the plan God had for him rather than the traditions of his family? But his family traditions was all he had known, in fact he spent years studying traditions and the law so he could me more advanced, top of his class if you will. And now, this. He had a choice to make.
You may not have had a “visit” from God like Paul, but the choice is still the same. It shouldn’t take a major event or dramatic situation to get us to realize God, who is the same yesterday today and forever, wants to have a real relationship with you. He has a plan for your life that is far above anything you could ever imagine. But based on the decisions we make or choose not to make that is how far we will go with the plan he has laid out for us.
Lucky for us Paul choose to serve God and go against his beloved education, the reasoning he was brought up with, and he choose Gods plan for his life. It changed history forever. You can too.
You can change the history of your family, your friends, and your neighbors by the decisions you make on a daily basis. I know for me it is sometimes a moment by moment basis. But the things we choose to do or not do, people to talk to or not talk to that is history in the making whether we think so or not.
Gods plan is divine and He will bring people, situation, things into your life to make it work, its not up to you to make it work out all we must do is decide.
So now is your time. You have a decision to make a decision. What or whom will you choose? You may not have to answer right now for your choices, but one day we will all have to give account to our Heavenly Father, What did we do with the time He entrusted to us here on this earth? Did we take advantage of the things, resources and people He brought our way or did we ignore and squander it?