Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Most people are relational.   And as being such the like to talk ad be talked to.  We need to learn to give honest, encouraging affirmations to one another.  
Our self worth should not be based on how much or how often we get positive feedback from others but it certainly does help our self image, One nice thing said helps us carry our head a little higher.  Everyone likes genuine commendation, especially when they know there are NO strings attached.  People seem to let their guard down when a complement about their hair, the way they are dressed or more important, when one of their positive character traits is picked up by someone else and considerate complimented.  The act of simply stating one thing about another person does a powerful thing, it diminishes the need for competition.  

Think of someone you have hesitated to give a compliment to, of one reason or another.  Ask your self why.  They too need affirmation on their unique value, whether we “love” it or not it is worthy of mention.
See we have to be comfortable with who we are and the  uniqueness God has placed in us so that we can offer the same to those around us. 
Everyone wants to be loved, accepted and admired.  
Who can you compliment today?
Make it a way of life, making others feel good about themselves.  Find something you can appreciate about people you run into in your daily life and tell them, they need to hear it, and you, You’ll be built up as well because you are enhancing someone else's life and value.  Through your security in knowing you are fearfully and wonderfully made with all your wonderful and quirky attributes, in return you are helping them to understand that too...just one complement at a time.  

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