God knit you together, called you and appointed Y-O-U! Who you are, Where you are, and what you are....
His choice of you was based on a deep intimate knowledge of who you are
and ultimately who He knew who you would become. So if you are pretending to be someone or something you're not, you are going against how God created you. You are not be Truthfully and Honestly You! Yes, You, with all your silly little quirks and mannerisms are original, hand crafted by the Creator Himself.
Why would you want to be anything different? Anyone different? Do you think You know better than God?
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.
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