Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thankful for YOU

A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.

I am so thankful for the friends God has placed in my life.

Not just people- but the TRUE friends who are there to laugh with me, to cry with me, to encourage me, to pray with me, to care for my family in my absence, to jump in and lend a hand when they see its needed and not necessarily asked for. Give honest opinions, tell you the truth, even when it may hurt but not do it to hurt you but to help you.

 Friends~My Friends.  

Ones whom God has chooses to place around me during different seasons on my life.  

I find it fascinating that He, God, Creator of everything, even little ol' me, for- knew my life, my circumstances and the different paths I would choose, taking great care,He placed special ones for me to share life with and encourage along the road, unique ones, some of whom I would have not chosen myself and others would have been the first selected out of a line up.  

Dear friends, I want to thank you for sharing in my daily life, for loving me, accepting me and encouraging me to be my Best , the one God created me to be, and for helping to propel me forward, whether its through your kind words, a loving smile or a meal made possibly even telling me that truth I needed to hear, in Love.  
You mean so much to me and I will not specifically name who you are but if you are thinking "could she be talking about me"  then YES I am.  You are a blessing to me and I pray that in some way I am able to be that same friend to you.     

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